Download Christmas Wrapping (Single Edit) - The Waitresses Downloaden

Christmas Wrapping (Single Edit)
The Waitresses

Klassiskt, 1981
Justin Bieber
Mistletoe and Holly
Frank Sinatra

Christmas Wrapping (Single Edit) - The Waitresses download

Christmas Wrapping (Single Edit) - The Waitresses on Netherlands top 100 recent charts

Date Week Position Status
2020-12-21 52 81
Christmas Wrapping (Single Edit) - The Waitresses in today world top 100 charts
Country Position Status Top 100
UK UK 51
UK top 100 songschart
Belgium Belgium 81
Belgium top 100 songschart
Canada Canada 62
Canada top 100 songschart
Ireland Ireland 61
Ireland top 100 songschart
Luxembourg Luxembourg 51
Luxembourg top 100 songschart
Top The Waitresses songs in Netherlands