Grand Soleil (feat. Adèle Castillon, Amadou & Mariam, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Eddy de Pretto, ElGrandeToto, Eva, Fally Ipupa, Hoshi, Juliette Armanet, Kalash Criminel, Louane, Lous and The Yakuza, LUCKY LOVE, Médine, Pierre de Maere, Pomme & Youssoupha -
Damso & Sidaction on France top 100 recent charts
Grand Soleil (feat. Adèle Castillon, Amadou & Mariam, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Eddy de Pretto, ElGrandeToto, Eva, Fally Ipupa, Hoshi, Juliette Armanet, Kalash Criminel, Louane, Lous and The Yakuza, LUCKY LOVE, Médine, Pierre de Maere, Pomme & Youssoupha - Damso & Sidaction in today world top 100 charts