Download Sleigh Ride - The Ronettes Herunterladen

Sleigh Ride
The Ronettes

Music, 1963
Too Sweet
A Nonsense Christmas
Sabrina Carpenter

Sleigh Ride - The Ronettes download

Sleigh Ride - The Ronettes on Germany top 100 recent charts

Date Week Position Status
2024-12-09 50 80
2024-12-02 49 83
2024-11-25 48 46
2023-12-25 52 44
2023-12-18 51 62
2023-12-11 50 67
2023-12-04 49 61
2022-12-26 52 45
2022-12-12 50 70
Sleigh Ride - The Ronettes in today world top 100 charts
Country Position Status Top 100
US US 27
US top 100 songschart
UK UK 23
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Australia Australia 56
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Austria Austria 31
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Belgium Belgium 68
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Canada Canada 22
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Ireland Ireland 28
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Luxembourg Luxembourg 39
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Netherlands Netherlands 22
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New Zealand New Zealand 52
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Norway Norway 42
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Sweden Sweden 38
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Switzerland Switzerland 21
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Top Music songs in Germany
Top The Ronettes songs in Germany